Quality & Fit

Careaux is inspired by our childhood memories of making dresses with our Nana, who had worked in a factory from when she was fourteen. She had grown up in a time of quality, tailoring and fitting every dress to the individual she spoke with such passion about the importance of this and of the love that went into seeing a garment come to life. Therefore, quality and fit are the pillars of Careaux.
Quality is paramount- from the most exquisite fabrics curated from top Italian, Portugese and Japanese mills, with a heritage in combining luxury and quality to each Careaux piece perfectly and intricately tailored for you. A true celebration of the finest British craftsmanship.
The fit is the characteristic of Careaux. Each and every one of us are our own shape and own size, all equally unique and different. Each Careaux piece is a celebration of our uniqueness, which changes to fit perfectly to you and your lifestyle.
We have been researching and developing for years to capture that feeling of finding the dress- to cherish and treasure forever.